What are the criteria for admissibility to health related tax credits ?

According to the income tax legislation in Canada, to be admissible a person must have or have had a health restriction for 12 consecutive months (or longer) which is either temporary or permanent and has slowed down their daily activities in one or more of the following functions: Walking (reduced mobility), Feeding (including the preparation of…

If I am presently working, will the government consider that my current health complication is not severe enough to benefit from income tax credits ?

No. Many of our clients are working and still receive health related tax credits. If you suffer from a health problem that restricts your daily activities but still allows you to work, you are very likely to benefit from our services.

If I am eligible for health related tax credits, then why has my accountant not done the process for me?

What we do at Alisa Refunds is a complex process demanding much effort and work over a long period of time (usually several months). Many accountants are hesitant to even try to retrieve those particular tax credits since there is no guarantee of a refund at the end of the process. Therefore, it is difficult…

My request for the CPP Disability Pension was refused. Can I still be eligible for tax credits or deductions?

Yes, the criteria for the CPP Disability Pension are completely different than the criteria for tax credits and tax deductions. Being refused for the CPP Disability Pension does not stop you from receiving refunds from health related tax credits, which is our specific expertise.

I have decreased mobility (difficulty walking) and my doctor believes I have to be using a wheelchair to be eligible to health related tax credits. Is that true?

No, using a wheelchair, a cane or any other device is not a measure given by the government to be eligible to mobility related tax credits. If your doctor is not aware of all the criteria regarding this subject, our specialist at Alisa Refunds can intervene and facilitate the process of obtaining the correct documentation…